Labels:monitor | reckoner | sky | web site | window OCR: MoSlo v.1.31 (trial version) Copyright (c) David Perrell 1990, 1993.1996.1997 All right reserved. Connand line fornat noslo /n filenane uhere n of nornal speed (199) and 'filenane the nane of the progpan file you uant to slou. F the speed switch /n7 onitted, MoSlo will attenpt sinulate 4.77MHz IBM PC/XT speed. The filenane nust include an extension .COM OP EXE and the file is not in the current directory valid path. This is the trial version of MoSlo. For the version, visit our WA page at http://w .hpaa .con/noslo rights ilenane progran full featured hpae